Wednesday, July 30, 2008

It's been four years since this blog was established. In all honesty it has been a great success! not. How times have changed,

London was bombed
Sadam Hussein beheaded
Paris Hilton jailed
etc ..... #

but let's be honest , what a load of cobblers,

I shall endeavour to update this page a little more often and charm the net with my intellectual wit. As a pillar to modern society I feel it is my duty to continue with my journalistic contributions.

Current Events:

From the BBC: Thai school offers transsexual toilet Now this story nearly gave me a heart attack! of all the PC nonsene that exists this has to take the biscuit. Can you believe this, THAI people should be ashamed. Continuing on the education theme, here in the UK>>> Sikh girl wins right to wear bangle to school >>> If I had the energy I would rant on this, but I just don't have the strenght. Might just carry a big-ass wooden cross on my back , let's see the reaction of my fellow tube passengers when I try bashing into a packed central line at 8am. GOOD LORD><

Quote of the day:
“Fucking ignore the system, use it when it suits you.” Johnny Rotten

Bloggin since 2004!

Thursday, May 25, 2006

My last day...

Well it's my last day here at the beeb...

Fonds memories, farewell....

Untill the 1st of June I'm going to be a freelance pub critic! yay

Thursday, May 18, 2006


Another 24 post I'm afraid! There following lines are oscar quality!

[Henderson] He’s got the absolute most sophisticated security system including a phoenix shield!

[Bill] We can get through it

[Chloe] Not a phoenix, it’s a poison pill firewall, any attempt at circumventing it and the hard drive does a cold start erase! At which point you can forget about retrieving any data

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Blast from the past!!!

Just found yet another attempt of me documenting my views!!

think this one only lasted a week beofre I lost all logins and passowords!

God it was rubbish!

Can you believe!

Jack and Chloe are coming to town!

Where can I sign up to be an extra?!?!?!

Thursday, April 13, 2006

The 24 Screen Saver!

This is sooooooo cool!

lol I must get out more, jeekers get out at all!

Easter Charity

Well guys!

It's time for you to help out a victim of the cruel world.

I am a victim of corporation conspiracy. If I don't pay off my large debts I will be forced to sell my body on the street and I sure aint gonna go for much!

So I propose this, make a donation to my paypal account and for the rest of this year your conscious will be at ease as you really will have helped a needy fellow human being.

Happy Easter.//.

Don't eat any eggs cause of the bird flue.

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

In Memory Of Edgar Stiles --- RIP

It is a sad day, Edgar our beloved computer buffoon passed away today. The Sentox nerve gas proved to be just too much for him. Well Edgar, I SALUTE YOU!

Saturday, March 04, 2006

House Hunting

The last 24 hours have been spent looking at every house going in london. Have seen things that still make me shiver.

To be honest there has been very little worth my while but I can still hope!